We work with diverse client-serving organisations across the province.
We know that there is strength in working together, and collaboration is key to providing the best possible services for our clients. We work with anti-violence workers, family law advocates, outreach workers, and support workers to provide access to justice for clients.
We provide:
limited free legal services for clients
support for support workers with client’s family law matters in BC
monthly training
We offer some additional services for Law Foundation funded family law advocates and family court support workers.
Legal services for clients
Rise is not able to provide full representation for your clients.
We provide limited free legal services for self-representing clients in family law matters in BC.
We encourage support workers to continue supporting their clients, while accessing legal services from Rise.
To serve the most economically disadvantaged clients, there is a financially eligibility criteria.
Supporting support workers with client’s legal issues
Rise provides support for support workers working with clients with legal issues through two dedicated phone lines. Your clients do not need to be Rise’s clients for you to access the service. These services are for support workers only; clients cannot book appointments for these services.
Family Advocate Support Lawyer (FASL): The FASL lawyer provides fast and comprehensive advice on routine and complex cases.
Indigenous Family Advocate Support Lawyer (IFASL): The IFASL lawyer provide advice on both family law and Child, Family. and Community Service Act (CFCSA) matters for Indigenous support workers working or support workers working with Indigenous clients.
Monthly training
Rise provides monthly training for support workers across the province. For any questions about training, email
We send out a monthly announcement regarding our training for support workers. Join our the mailing list