Rise is not an emergency service. If you are in danger, call 911.

We are not able to provide services for urgent legal issues or for upcoming hearings. Resources that may help you are Family Law Line or Family Duty counsel in your area.

We do not provide full representation for clients.

If you are looking to apply to legal aid for representation, please refer directly to the Legal Aid BC website.

We recommend reading about services we can provide, and our financial eligibility criteria before filling out our online form below.

Ask for Assistance

You can read about how we provide services, our workflow and tech safety tips in the sections below.

If you can receive e-mails from Rise, please click on the button below or click link to complete our Confidential Appointment Request Form.

If you cannot receive e-mails from Rise safely, click on button below or click link to complete our Safe Contact Form.

Have questions or need additional assistance? Email is the best way to reach us.

Clients in the Lower Mainland, email:

Clients outside the Lower Mainland, email

If you are unable to complete our online form, or email us, you can leave a voicemail at 236-317-9000. If you have specific instructions for the safest way for us to reach you, like a specific time to call you back at, please leave those instructions in your voicemail to us. We usually return voicemails in 48-72 hours.

If you are leaving a voicemail to ask for assistance, no assistance will be provided without our online form being completed.

How we provide services

We ask you only provide us a safe email on the request form. Our first contact with you is usually via email.  Please check your spam folder if our email is not in your inbox. Emails you can expect from us after you send us a request - book an appointment, information about community resources, or questions we may have.

Legal navigation services are provided over the phone. We ask you only provide us a safe phone number on the request form. Our legal navigators will call you at the scheduled appointment time. Our family law advocates and program assistants may also call you for appointments or follow-ups.

Most summary advice appointments with the lawyers are virtual unless they are requested by phone. If you are speaking with a lawyer at or through Rise, we will send a zoom link to you or the support worker (if you are working with one).

We have very limited in-person services as our clients are all over the province. As we are moving offices in August, we are not currently accepting drop-in appointments. Please complete our online form to ask for assistance. 

How our services work?

Step 1

Complete and submit our online confidential request form. Form is available in the next section.

Step 2

Book an appointment with the legal navigator, who is not a lawyer. You are sent an email when you submit the online form with the link to the booking appointment.

Step 3

This will depend on the information you have provided us. Navigators and program assistants review all incoming request forms.

Step 4

Depending on your call with the navigator, referrals will be made to:

  • internal clinics or service at Rise,

  • referral to a community organization better suited to assist you,

  • another legal resource.

    (this is not a complete list, the legal navigator is best suited to explore options with you).

Tech Safety Tips

As most of our services are provided via email, telephone, and virtually, we take your online your safety and security very seriously.

If you have concerns that your email is being monitored or checked by the other party/parties, we ask you do not fill our regular appointment form in the next section. Instead fill out our SAFE CONTACT FORM to ask for assistance. When you fill the safe contact form, you will not get an automatic email from us to book an appointment, instead you will be able to let us know of a time we can get in touch with you via phone. This ensures that no one else finds out through access to your email, that you are seeking our services.

Your information is safe with us. We do our best to ensure that all client information is confidential and protected

We ask you use your personal computer, one that is not shared with anyone or device to access information. In this day when passwords are stored, devices are synced, it is often challenging to think of every security concern. If you are concerned about your electronic safety, please use a safe computer such as a public terminal at a library or a computer at a community organization and ensure that your passwords are secure.

Some tech safety resources you can review:

Securing email

Smartphone safety  

Tech safety tips

Helpful guides

Frequently asked questions