Opportunities for lawyers

At Rise, there are many ways in which we collaborate with lawyers across the province. We are very grateful to lawyers who volunteer with us to provide summary advice to our clients, serve as conflict counsel, provide their expertise in legal matters, and partner with us through research and training.

Through our work, we have identified gaps in the family law system related to understanding abuse and screening for family violence. To address these gaps, we provide on-going training on family violence for lawyers.

Legal Counsel Connect

A no-cost initiative to assist more family law lawyers in BC representing survivors of violence.

Family violence remains a pervasive and systemic issue and affects a significant number of family law cases. This is especially true for women and gender diverse people located outside of the Lower Mainland, who often struggle to find legal counsel and have even fewer resources to access. Family violence issues can be challenging to identify, discuss, and present in court.

Who can use this service?

  • Family law lawyers in BC, who are working with women and gender diverse clients in under serviced communities outside of the Lower Mainland.

  • Family law lawyers considering taking clients, who identify as women or gender diverse in an under serviced community in BC. 

What to expect in these appointments? 

In phone calls or virtual meetings with senior counsel, you will receive expert guidance to better identify and address family violence issues affecting women and gender diverse clients. This is a valuable opportunity to strengthen your practice and provide more effective support to clients facing violence.

How to book an appointment?

Rise will need to ensure that there is no conflict at our end to speak to you. The first step is to answer the question in this form, which will guide to the relevant next step based on why you are reaching out to us. Once the conflict is cleared, we will send you an email with instructions to book an appointment.

This initiative has been made possible with a funding from Women and Gender Equality, Canada.

Volunteer with us

As a community legal centre, we provide our self-representing clients (persons who identify as women or gender diverse) with free virtual summary advice service. Virtual services allow lawyers to provide legal advice from anywhere in the province, assisting clients in rural, remote and northern communities, where there is a significant lack of legal resources and lack of family lawyers.

Volunteer lawyers do not provide representation.

Requirements to volunteer

  • You are a practicing lawyer in British Columbia. Rise primarily assists clients in family law matters.

  • You can provide summary advice service to at least three clients a year with a minimum of 3 hours per client.

  • You complete the online volunteer lawyer training course prior to working with clients, for which you can avail 3.5 CPD credits.

How to volunteer?

Step 1: Fill out the volunteer application form

Step 2: Once you submit the form, you will be directed to book an appointment with the Virtual Legal Clinic lawyer for a 20-minute talk.

Step 3: If your application is accepted, you will receive a link to complete an online training course.

Step 4: Once you complete the course, you can start receiving client files.

See FAQs for answers on the process and expectations for volunteer lawyers.

If you have any questions, email

“I have volunteered with the VLC program for some years now and continue to take great satisfaction from it. I know accessing legal services in remote communities is difficult at best and the need is so great, and in particular for women facing financial challenges. The VLC staff and client advocates do all of the leg work and provide the necessary background so I can focus on giving advice. It is a very efficient process, and a great use of a lawyer’s skill set, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to do effective and meaningful pro bono work.”

— Patrick Grayer, volunteer lawyer since 2019


Rise provides training for family lawyers. The majority of our clients are experiencing or have experienced family violence. We know from our conversations with clients the challenges they face during their family law proceedings. Through our client-centered and trauma-informed approach, we organize training for lawyers about understanding abuse and screening for family violence. While covering theory, and case law, our trainings provide practical tips for lawyers to work with clients experiencing family violence.

There are no upcoming training for lawyers at this time. Interested in knowing about our upcoming training, sign up here.

Past Training

How you can support us?

We accept donations online, or through cheque. Rise Women’s Legal Centre is a registered charity #76336 8099 RT0001. A tax receipt will be issued for every donation in any amount.

Cheques can be sent to:
Rise Women’s Legal Centre
PO Box 3761
Vancouver PO Terminal, BC V6B 3Z1

Questions about donating and giving? Contact or call (604) 757 5002.

“There is no justice without access to justice”

— Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin