
Rise is a leading voice in the intersection between family violence and family law in BC. Since 2017, Rise has been undertaking community-based research projects to identify, and magnify existing systemic and structural inequalities perpetuating gender inequality in the family law system.

Through our research we aim to start difficult conversations, amplify the voices of clients and support workers, and people who are directly impacted by the current legal system. One of our research priorities is to ensure the voices of survivors, and those who continue to experience family violence, are heard.

If you are interested in collaborating with Rise on a research project, email

5 people sitting across a round table with pens, paper, a laptop engaged in discussion

Graphic Illustration by Drawing Change

Our research projects

Rise started it’s first engagement through community-based research in 2017. Over the years, Rise has produced reports, which have highlighted the struggles survivors face in the family law system in BC, and made recommendations for how to improve family law to better support those who have experienced family violence.

Current research projects

BC Housing Crisis

Funded by the Houssian Foundation, we are conducting research on BC’s housing crisis and its significant impact on the safety of survivors of violence. The ongoing housing crisis across the province and the family law system are putting survivors in dangerous situations, sometimes preventing them from leaving abusive relationships, and trapping them in poverty and housing insecurity.

The goal of our project is to better understand the impacts of BC’s housing crisis on survivors of violence navigating family law matters in the hopes of improving options for survivors in the future. Our findings will become part of an upcoming public report.  

Courthouse Safety Project

Funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General, this research expands on the recommendations outlined in our 2022 report, Creating Safety in BC Courts.

We are studying the safety measures in court locations across BC to call for more improvements to better protect survivors of gender-based violence as they navigate the BC court system. We hope this report will contribute to the improvement of safety and accessibility to BC court locations for survivors. Our findings will become part of an upcoming public report.