Annual Report 2022-2023

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Taanishi kiawow to our volunteers, members of our community, and supporters. As the Board President and Executive Director of Rise Women’s Legal Centre, we are pleased to present Rise’s 2022-23 Annual Report.

2022 was a year of continued growth for Rise, with new positions increasing our capacity to help women and gender diverse people throughout the province. We saw a significant increase in people seeking services, and Rise was able to assist a record number, 2,172.

Consistently, approximately 80% of the clients Rise assists have experienced family violence. We acknowledge how much work is still needed to protect women and gender diverse people experiencing family violence, and to stop the murder and disappearances of Indigenous women, girls, two spirit LGBTQIA + people. We are proud to be on the frontlines of ensuring the safety of women and gender diverse people in BC and are grateful that, in the face of such grim realities, our ability to provide trauma informed care to women and gender diverse people continues to increase.

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Improving Access to Justice through Safeguards in Parenting Assessments


Joint submissions to the Department of Justice