Indigenous Family Advocate Support Line (IFASL)
Started in 2023, the Indigenous Family Advocate Support Line (IFASL) provides free specialized family law and child protection legal advice, training, and knowledge sharing spaces to band representatives, wellness workers and frontline advocates supporting Indigenous families and communities across BC.
We hope to increase access to justice through:
a designated legal support line,
monthly training sessions and workshops (see information below), and
a weekly virtual knowledge sharing space for frontline workers (see information below).
This program is funded by the Department of Justice.
Our intention
IFASL seeks to contribute to the greater involvement of Indigenous peoples and communities in all decision-making processes that impact them as we decolonize the family law system and move toward affirming the inherent jurisdiction of the nations over child and family services. Our work is guided by the remedial mandate in Bill C-92 – An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families(“Federal Act”), United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Calls for Justice.
We believe that Indigenous voices need to be heard in our family law system
We want to help ensure that Indigenous children are fully supported in developing a strong cultural identity
We recognize that First Nations and Indigenous communities have a critical role to play in countering the overrepresentation crisis of Indigenous children in foster care, often far removed from their ancestral, cultural and territorial roots
We need to work purposively to keep Indigenous families together and to prevent the loss of connections to family, community(ies) and culture
We know that reconciliation is only possible if we work together with cultural humility, guided by Indigenous Peoples toward meaningful change
How IFASL can support you?
Legal information/advice (including resources and planning) to band representatives or frontline workers by telephone, Zoom/MS Teams and email
Information about the court process, notice, service and participating in and outside of court
Help with cultural plans, out-of-care proposals, reunification plans, and prioritizing family, community, and cultural connections
Legal support with court documents & correspondence to parties, nations and social workers
To learn more about IFASL
Contact the IFASL lawyer, Frances Rosner, Red River Valley Metis at
Join our mailing list for information, training and engagement opportunities
For any additional information, please contact Jessica at
Indigenous Family Advocate Circle (Circles)
Circles are for advocates across BC working with Indigenous families and urban/remote communities including: First Nations band representatives/designates, community wellness workers, counsellors, family support workers, and frontline workers.
Circle discussions share knowledge and best practices and provide a sense of community for band representatives and frontline workers supporting Indigenous families and communities.
Circles are weekly 90 minutes drop-ins; feel free to drop-in for all or part of the circle discussion.
Each Circle will have a micro-training on child protection and family law topics, 15-30 minutes.
Facilitated by an Indigenous family lawyer who specializes in child protection and prioritizes Indigenous family, community and cultural connection in all areas of practice of the discussion.
Upcoming circles
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 12:30-2:00 PM (PST): Overreporting and underserving: How the systems interact to create a family policing system stacked against Indigenous families. Register here.
February 27, 2025, 12:00-1:30 PM (PST): Enhanced Supports to Indigenous Youth (all youth) Aging-Out of Care, co-facilitated by IFASL Coordinator, Jess Boon, Former Youth in Care. Register here.
Tuesday, March 4, 1:00 - 2:30 PM (PST): Legal rights and protections for Indigenous parents, families, and communities after the making of a Continuing Custody Order (CCO): circumstances where it can be set aside and how to uphold cultural continuity and family connections once the Director is the permanent guardian. Register here.
Thursday, March 27, 12:30 - 2:00 PM (PDT): Amendments to the Indian Act intended to remedy gender discrimination against women have changed eligibility for Indian Status and reduced barriers to proving ancestry. Learn about eligibility, how to apply and overcoming hurdles in the application process for your Indigenous families and children. Register here.

Monthly Training
Upcoming webinars
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 12:00 - 2:00 PM (PST): From Injustice to Action on the MMIWG2S+ Calls for Justice: Breaking the Cycle of Violence Against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2S+ People in the Family Policing System
IFASL is pleased to present the keynote speaker, the Honourable Dr. Marion Buller, who made history as the first Indigenous woman appointed as a judge in British Columbia. She helped establish BC’s initial First Nations court and served as Chief Commissioner for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Currently, she is the Chancellor of the University of Victoria, newly appointed Justice of the Peace of K’ómoks First Nation and continues to be an outstanding advocate for Indigenous justice and reconciliation.
We are also pleased to welcome Gladys Radek and Bernie Williams, co-founders of Walk4Justice, lifelong Indigenous advocates with lived experience and unwavering determination, who will share their journey in the pursuit of justice for the families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls with particular attention to the Calls for Justice in the child welfare system.
Monday, March 10, 1:00 - 2:30 PM (PDT): Lawyers, advocates and survivors with lived experience will share their experience with racism and discrimination along with the strategies used to counter it and improve outcomes for the Indigenous families they serve.
IFASL lawyer, Frances Rosner, will be joined by Afro-Indigenous child welfare lawyer, Roslyn Chambers, with other guest speakers to be confirmed. Stay tuned for details.
Upcoming workshop
Monday, March 24, 12:30 - 2:00 PM (PDT): Bill C-92 Grant Writing Workshop: Securing the Funds to Build Capacity for Child and Family Services.
This workshop will focus on where to find funding opportunities, understanding the funding scope/grant call and how to write a grant application.
Guest Speaker, Kathy Waddell, of Kaniikaniik Consulting has over 15 years of experience working with Indigenous communities on capacity building for self-government and will share her knowledge and expertise on how to make the ask for funding to build capacity for child and family services. Stay tuned for details.