Our Archives

Annual Report 2020
#annual-report annia designer #annual-report annia designer

Annual Report 2020

When I think back to the start of 2020, I remember how we thought that moving offices would be our big news for the year! That was in the Before Times, before the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the year, driving changes throughout the legal sector along with the rest of the world.

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Annual Report 2019
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2019

Providing legal services to the many women in BC who can’t access counsel has always been a daunting prospect, and it has taken determination and innovation over the last three and a half years to build a women’s legal centre from the ground up. But here we are in 2019, stronger than ever. We are thrilled to have completed our pilot phase at the end of 2018, and are now looking to the future with optimism and resolution

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Annual Report 2018
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2018

2017 was a remarkable year of growth for Rise Women’s Legal Centre. We added new staff members and programs, found new sources of funding, and advanced our goal of providing direct service to women in BC.

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Annual Report 2017
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2017

This vision has taken many years to come to fruition and has required the hard work and dedication of many individuals and organizations who endeavour to make a difference in the lives of women in their communities.

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