Our Archives

Writing Affidavits for Protection Orders
#guides Rise Women's Legal Centre #guides Rise Women's Legal Centre

Writing Affidavits for Protection Orders

This guide covers protection order basics and answers common questions clients may have while applying for protections orders. This guide does not contain legal advice and we hope is used in combination with legal advice.

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Improving Access to Justice through Safeguards in Parenting Assessments
#report, #news Rise Women's Legal Centre #report, #news Rise Women's Legal Centre

Improving Access to Justice through Safeguards in Parenting Assessments

Funded by the Law Foundation of BC, this project was conducted between June and December 2023. This project sought to identify potential options for creating these safeguards, and to make recommendations to the Ministry of the Attorney General, which is currently undertaking the Family Law Act Modernization Project.

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Annual Report 2022-2023
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2022-2023

2022 was a year of continued growth for Rise, with new positions increasing our capacity to help women and gender diverse people throughout the province. We saw a significant increase in people seeking services, and Rise was able to assist a record number, 2,172.

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Joint statement on the release of the national action plan to end gender-based violence.
#submissions Rise Women's Legal Centre #submissions Rise Women's Legal Centre

Joint statement on the release of the national action plan to end gender-based violence.

As advocates who developed a Roadmap for the National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence, we have been anxiously waiting for the release of this 10-year plan. This statement is our joint reaction to the federal government’s release on November 9, 2022, of its long-awaited National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, which comes nearly two years after the 2021 Joint Declaration for a Canada Free of GBV. We are happy to see that all provinces  and territories are committed to realizing the vision of the National Action Plan (NAP).

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Annual Report 2022
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2022

2021 was a year of unprecedented growth for Rise. Last year we continued to adapt to the COVID pandemic and the exacerbated gender-based violence experienced by many of our clients. Our team worked alongside community partners around British Columbia and with many organisations in the lower mainland to expand access to legal services.

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How do I Choose A Family Lawyer?
#guides Rise Women's Legal Centre #guides Rise Women's Legal Centre

How do I Choose A Family Lawyer?

This guide was created to help people find a family lawyer who can help them with their family law matter. It covers lawyers who are funded by Legal Aid BC as well as private lawyers.

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Annual Report 2021
#annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre #annual-report Rise Women's Legal Centre

Annual Report 2021

Thank you for your support and encouragement over the last year – a year that has highlighted the ways in which women and all those marginalized by gender oppression are particularly impacted by family violence, economic insecurity, the climate crisis, and intersecting oppressions.

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